chilling feet

chilling feet

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Two Hikes and Two Amazing Spots: Tarzan Falls, Algua Cove, Ritidian Point Point, and Sella Bay Falls

(Our first view of the beach at Ritidian Point)

One last Guam post before Sarah and I shoot off to the northern part of Canada for the Northwest Passage.  Don't worry, I'll explain it in the next post but we leave tomorrow and are super excited. Depending on the internet capabilities onboard, which I doubt exist, it will be about twenty days before our next post.  I do promise it will have plenty of awesome photos and fun things to learn about.

For now - Ritidian Point.  

The most northern tip of Guam is called Rititian Point and it is quite nice.  The road to the point is still in repair, I hope, and it is a little full of potholes.  Do not tell our rental company we most carefully drove there.
(We plan on going back.  This time we did not bring our snorkel and such as we did not officially plan on going to Ritidian but sort of ended up there.  The waters demand we go back)

There were a good number of tourists there to check out the point.  And we found out why.  It is one of the most beautiful spots we have been to so far in Guam.  Brilliant waters, unbelievably soft and clean sand, and with a little bit of walking we were completely alone.  Most people gather just right out front of where the parking lot allows access.  A short two hundred meter walk took us to a turn in the beach where it felt as though there was not a soul for miles.

There were some signs posted by the military base who apparently owns property nearby, so we stopped and enjoyed our nice little private beach.  A definite must in Guam.
(We saw this little guy)

There are still plenty of reasons to return to Ritidian.  Trails, the water, wildlife, and plenty of more beach to explore. We just did not have the time on this particular day.

While we were driving back out, at a nice leisurely pace to protect our car, we were surprised to see our first ko'ko bird.  That's the Chamorro name for the flightless bird called the rail bird. It almost felt like we were back in New Zealand for a second, reminiscent of the kiwi bird.  

We will be going back to Ritidian Point!
(We knew we were in for a muddy hike)

With a promise to ourselves to do more hikes, we left our house in spite of the rainy weather. It is just part of island life. It might rain for hours or five minutes. There seems to be no way to tell so just take the appropriate gear and get outside!  

Tarzan Falls. We have been eying this hike for quite some time. It promises a few different waterfalls to look at after a mild hike down ATV trails or better defined as "where the water flows downhill making a trail for you to follow." Unless it has been super dry before hiking you will definitely get muddy! As seen in the picture above with Sarah wearing her throwback Breakaway Running jersey from Memphis, TN.
(Time for waterfalls. At the top of the first set of falls we enjoyed climbing around a little bit to explore)

We did get properly muddy but it was not as bad as what I had read about preparing for the hike.  With care to take steady steps we managed to make it to this next picture. The first river crossing and cleaning station for our feet.  The water felt pretty amazing.  We have a shot below showing off our footwear choices.  I'm working on getting Sarah into some +Chacos for about one hundred reasons, most of which is they are spectacular. +Austin Russell - I'm working on my Chaco tan.
(Chaco life, well for me at least.)

It was such a nice area we spent a few minutes just admiring the rush of water flowing past us. Nature power! It was still raining so pausing for a few photos while standing in the middle of a river felt pretty normal. Thanks again to +Bryan Baddorf for my backpack that keeps my gear dry even when I'm out traversing in the elements.
(Pretty awesome when the trail crosses a river. Who needs a shirt when it's raining? Just gonna weigh a man down)

Well we finally decided to continue the hike down the trail a little more and guess what we found? A waterfall with a pretty good flow thanks to the rainy days leading up to our hike.  Not bad at all, though we chose not to swim as the waterfall pool was pretty muddy and not super inviting. Besides on a rainy day there's not much of a need to cool off. 

In the photo below we are using the timer on the camera.  My attempt to leap from slippery rock to rock was not quick enough. I think I fear random injury whilst a few miles down the trail a little too much for the kind of speed that was required of me.  
(I didn't make it in time but I did get a really creepy looking shot where I appear to be stalking my wife.  Watch out for a Brett in the wild because they will straight up carry you off to their lair)

With Tarzan Falls behind us, which is a smashing hike that we recommend, Sarah and I found ourselves on a new adventure a few days later. While eating at a restaurant one night we got talking to some of the nice local folks working there.  They told us all about a place called Algua Cove and the girl said it is her favorite spot on the island. Well OK then.  

The only issue about the cove, and she did mention this to us Sarah later told me, is that there is a sign telling everyone it's private property at the entrance. And after driving down a road into the middle of nowhere the way is blocked off with a sign on a formidable gate. Feeling a little strange about leaving our car in such a spot and having just walked around the gate, like the girl said everyone does, I suspiciously hoped we were not being duped by a local as we walked down a long and abandoned looking road. 
(Our first view of the cove was a nice little picture frame made in the trees.  I should have cut out the one small set of leaves but they too are trying to enjoy the view)

A little bit over a half mile walk we arrived at the trailhead. Our lunch break at Algua Cove was taking more time and effort than I had anticipated. A sharp hike down the cliff took us to the view above - completely worth it! But we only had a short amount of time to enjoy this magical place.

I settled in immediately to eat some food while Sarah climbed rocks to see the views.  It's a small cove that looks like it must be nothing short of a personal paradise when the waters are calm. While we were there, however, the water was rough and definitely too dangerous for jumping in. Next time.
(The view from Sarah of me eating lunch. Too many rocks for the rough water to smash us on but fun to watch)

Another spot we will have to dare again when we have more time. It was a little daunting leaving our car by itself and being on "private" property for so long while no one else was there. But after having tasted the cove we will have to go back for sure when we can truly enjoy the amenities.  
(Sarah did not stop to eat any food.  She seemed to be feasting on the views)

Why is there always a climb back up? Time to go already? If we must.

(A little bit of an uphill back to civilization)

One of the great parts of Guam is Sarah works with active and friendly people, like Adam and Karmen. We have been trying to plan a hike with them for a few weeks and finally made it happen a few days ago. Sella Bay hike surfaced to the top of one that neither of us had done before. Off we went!
(Leading the way Adam and Karmen were really fun to hike with!)

Muddy again. In the first ten feet down the trail I slipped and used my butt as a nice sled like tool. It worked well and I popped back up thinking it might be a long hike for me. Fortunately it was the only tumble for all four of us.  Really? Just me? Ha.
(We stopped to look at the destination)

Sella Bay was a decent hike and we enjoyed the descent to the ocean.  The best part of this hike is it leads you to a 300 year old bridge built back when Spain controlled Guam. Apparently the road never really worked out but the bridge still remains as a strange testimony to the culture of the past. And it still works pretty well too.
(The Spanish bridge as the other hikers test it before I get on. It's pretty neat)

After we admired the bridge for a few minutes we hiked down the ocean some until we arrived at Cetti bay.  A few weeks ago we did the quite amazing Cetti Falls hike which starts near the bay

We got some great views of Cetti falls and the bay from our vantage point and then we drank some water before heading back towards the bridge. 

The unfortunately high surf made the bays a little wild which was a disappointment as we had heard the snorkeling was supposed to be really good there. Oh well. Sometimes the island cooperates and sometimes it doesn't. 
(Pausing for a photo shoot before the hike back up)

Back at the bridge we took a shot together to commemorate the hike. It's a good easy hike with plenty of rewards throughout. It's not super well marked but what hike in Guam is? Great way to meet new friends.

I have to admit how excited I am about tomorrow's new adventure into the Northwest Passage. You can read a little bit about what we will be exploring by clicking on this link. Till next time have fun getting outside and exploring!!

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Rest of Palau: The Other Three Days of Diving and Adventure

(Just enjoying the view on the way to the dive sites)

Ok, it is a little silly to be so specific on the dives. Instead I'm just going to talk about what we saw and what stood out.  There are already other posts about hikes waiting to be done so we need to get on it!

Day two of diving.  Do you know what a cleaning station is?  It's a really awesome place where fish or sharks go to... clean themselves.  They get parasites or other such junk that needs to be taken care of off their body so they rub against the rocks/coral/etc.  It is really pretty amazing.  
(wind blown hair and beautiful Palau waters in the background - look at the green)

The best part about the cleaning station is it's a gathering point.  We saw a good number of sharks just swimming around and enjoying the sea life.  When we first arrived we did see a shark doing a cleaning.  The shark turned itself vertical, which is really strange looking, and wiggles close to the rocks. Wow. Unfortunately we only saw one cleaning but there were a good seven or so sharks just lingering and lounging. 
(Little blue friends.  We took our camera under water at the stops or lunch breaks)

A surprise at the cleaning station - a giant manta swam by!!  They are so graceful and amazing.  This is why we need to get a housing for our camera.  Superbly excellent.  When I see a giant manta come "flying" (it really looks like they are gliding in the air) nearby or even over my head I'm overcome with the majesty of God.  I find such a joy of God in viewing the creation, especially in such an untouched environment.  I know not everyone feels or sees the same thing, but it truly moves me.  
(Look at all of that enriched air!  But beyond it there are the serene waters of Palau)

(how many blues can your water show at the same time?)
Highlights of the rest of our dives.  We dove down to look at a sea plane, which is pretty cool in the ocean when stuff starts living in, on, around, and through it.  A crown of thorns starfish was the best part of that dive besides the plane. Apparently they can cause problems sometimes.

More sharks.

A dive called turtle wall offered a unique experience with a sea turtle climbing/swimming up the wall, completely oblivious to Sarah and me, while he/she had lunch. It was especially fun to us because every time we've seen sea turtle prior to this they are luxuriously gliding through the water.

There is dive sight called Manta Stadium where we hooked in again to sit and await possible manta sightings.  Only one but this guy (he was male which was confirmed by our master diver) came swimming around the cleaning station straight at us!  He had that "oh hey guys, who wants to jump on for a ride" look on his face as he simply adjusted slightly and went over us.  Wow! And yes I anthropomorphize animals.  I did not react in time for the ride and missed my chance.
(Finally some underwater shots.  Getting ready for our last dive of the trip - a cave dive.  Flashlight in hand, I'm ready)

Our next dive offered us some fun sightings but the best was the remora fish that decided to become a part of our group.  We were not sure if he was trying to attach to some of our swimmers or was just super curious, but this little remora followed us for a good fifteen to thirty minutes.  It was still circling on the ocean floor as we surfaced for our decompression stop.  So funny and super cool because it came really close so we could see it extremely well. 

And we saw some lionfish.  Crazy looking!  But here they have predators unlike down in the water off the coast of the sunshine state where these guys have become quite the ecological pest.  I guess it's not beneficial when nothing else eats you and you have your run of the place (see NZ for how this effects an entire system of plants/animals when new animals are introduced). 

Then for the last dive a cave dive!!
(It was hard to get some great shots - still learning.  But it was amazing!)

Our last dive was done to a set of caves called Chandelier Cave.  The name comes from the stalagmites hanging at times in the shape of what can be perceived as a, you guessed it, chandelier.  

The most interesting part of this dive is we used almost no air.  What?  We swam down to enter the cave system and then surfaced in small cavern where we could take our mouthpiece out and breath freely!  Woah.  Our dive master would take this opportunity to talk to us about the different places we would surface, how to get there, what to do, and how to take care for this particular type of diving.  
(Sarah's scary selfie.  We might have to submit this one to some artistic deal)

We surfaced multiple times and then would head back down into the mysteriously dark waters where we could see only by the grace of our flashlights.  There is an odd feeling about swimming through a dark cave when everything depends on a little light. At one point we switched our lights off and let the total blackness wash over us. Phew. 
(Spooky. It almost looked like some bats hanging upside down at times)

As our guide took us from pool to pool where we could surface and breath the air I have to admit I was impressed how well he could keep the cave system straight.  Quite the fun experience. 
(Look a fish.  We didn't see too much in the caves but this guy had wandered in and we caught  him on camera)
(one more of the chandeliers)
(When we came down from the last surface we could clearly see the exit.  Sweet. At this point I knew I could find my own way out)

One last shot while diving in the cave.  As we were exiting I turned around and posed for a few pics. I love it for some reason.  This pic captures the peculiarity that came from the mixture of the underwater cave and the adventure of how fun it was to dive there.  

More diving to come soon.  But for now a few pics about our last day adventure through Palau. You cannot dive within 24 hours of your flight for the small side effect of possible death, so why not go explore the rest of the island? 
(Time to go)

We rented a car and shot off into Palau proper.  There is a lot of coastline and we had a blast navigating through a much less populated part of the country.
(A shot of our car as we look back across this man made bridge. The steering wheel was on the right but we drove on the right.  What?  I had not found that particular combination yet)
(Lunch stop at a little resort with only bungalows. It was the first lunch stop we had seen in quite some time so we jumped. It was quite tasty.  The most fancy fish sticks I've ever had)
(Stonehenge??  No, but these stone monoliths have a similar mystery about them)

We stopped off to see these stone monoliths on the northern part of the island of Palau.  There is some discrepancy about the purpose or date of the stones.  A few people believe they were the supportive foundation for a large Bai meeting house that the gods were making, abandoned for some reason.  The man we met at the stones said he believed they might be more than 3,000 years old, but that it was for us to make up our own opinion. 

I personally do not know anything about dating stones like this so I figure I'll take the most supported view that they are perhaps from around 100 AD.  But who knows?
(From the end you can see a good number of the stones together)
(As I learn to use the camera and get more creative there will be more shots like this, or hopefully better ones.  But I like this one as it shows Sarah in the distance and the much disputed monolith up close so you can decide how old it is)
(Setting the timer so we can both pose with some monoliths)
(We also stopped by the capital building which was sort of in the middle of no where and near no big town at all.  Kind of strange but a pretty building with all sorts of interesting architecture)
(So our last night we went to a hotel near where we stayed to check out a restaurant we had heard about.  Unfortunately we did not take any pictures of this beautiful resort before the sun went down and this is the best picture of what we have.  So I'm entitling this shot "Happy buffet" - and it was happy.  We saw two people we had been diving with earlier in the week and ended up having dinner with them)

We loved Palau and you should definitely visit, especially if you like to dive.  Wow!!

Coming your way soon.  Some posts on Guam hikes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Ultimate SCUBA Paradise - Palau - Day One of Diving

(Leaving Guam. Sarah hard at work to capture some pretty sweet views of the Guam coast)
It's a little bit of a strange thing to leave a place like Guam in search of a short vacation.  It is quite a nice place to start with but when we came here it was partly because the location lends itself to a few nearby gems - gems like Palau.

Palau?  I had never heard of this magical place but after a little bit of research I discovered some bold claims going around such as - "best dive sites in the world" - "a diver's paradise" - "all of your diver's dreams will come true in Palau."  Ok I made the last one up.  Everyone we talked to said you have to go to Palau.

So we planned our trip and made the tough decisions spending money and booking dives with companies we have never heard of before. I'm not a fan of that part and we absolutely are way more comfortable with personal recommendations.  It's always nice to know someone who has been where you are about to spend your hard earned dough.

Fortunately for us someone gave us a nice rec for a hotel which we ended up really enjoying, Palau Central.  The staff always went way out of their way to help us and were quite cordial. 

The diving worked itself out through an outstanding deal we found through MDA (Micronesian Diving Association) who connected us with Sam's Tours (a diving company in Palau). MDA in Guam set us up with a package through Sam's Tours and off we went hoping for the best. 
(Here we are on our boat ready for the first dive meeting our crew and Dive Master)

The first day was exciting as it was our first dive with enriched air.  We took the required course with MDA in Guam before heading up to Palau so we could get the most out of our dives.

Besides us the boat consisted of some Australians, South Americans, two Frenchman, and a pair of Californians.  Our guides and master divers made sure we had everything ready for two dives and we shot off into the picturesque Palau waters.  
(Before we even got around to diving we were seeing sites like this.  It did not look like the boat would make it through the tiny gap in this archway but they zoomed on through with the sort of confidence that comes from doing it a few hundred times)
(It was hard to capture the experience on camera as we were in the back of the boat, but it was pretty amazing)
(Sarah kept saying, "It's all so beautiful!" Just the mixing blues and greens of the waters was enough to make this trip worth coming.  Before diving we were already lost in the magic of Palau. She loves it)

After zipping through the arch twice and taking a few wide arcs so we could all see it a few more times we continued towards our first dive site.  But there were still some more sites to see!
(We kept boating through a maze of beautiful islands, often with just enough room for our boat)
(Elephant island - can you see it?  Yes!  So cool.)

One of our favorite sites along the way when our guide called out, "That is what we call elephant island."  Looking over we could clearly see an island in the shape of a giant elephant making its way through the ocean, perhaps looking for a dive site as well.  Just realized we were out of the habit of posting when we went to Thailand - what?  How did we never do a post on the elephants?  Maybe a retro post sometime in the future.

Well we have not purchased a camera that can go down more than fifty feet yet, so we do not have any pictures underwater while actually diving until our last dive of the week.  We do have some great shots while playing around in between dives though.  Check out Sarah playing in an ocean that simply cannot be real - too unreal looking.
(Sarah taking a dip after one of our dives)
Dive One: Ulong Cliff  

Max depth: 86 feet

What did we see: We have seen sharks before but barely and from afar.  Almost all of the sharks we saw, or maybe all, were Grey Reef sharks.  To me they look like tiny and less harmless great whites but that's only because they are way big enough to do damage, even though everyone swears "we are not on their menu."  

But we did see a few of these guys along with two giant sea turtles!  So amazing. Then tons of coral and other tiny fishes.  Still not sure about sharks but I could not keep from staring at them in awestruck wonder.  And they did not bite me so that's nice. 
(Our boats private beach for lunch.  There are all of these little beach/parks on the small islands.  Our boat pulled in and we all got off to enjoy a pre-packed lunch together.  Then you can lounge or swim or whatnot)
Dive Two: Chad's Corner

Max Depth: 72 feet

What did we see: Lots of sharks (same as last time but at least seven different sharks!) Only one turtle and then the coral and fish.  Pretty nice dive.

The interesting part of this dive is that for the first time we did what is called reef hook diving.  Until getting ready for Palau I had never even heard of this form of diving.  Its a fascinating way to dive that is exactly what it sounds like.  A person simply hooks into the reef and remains stationary while the current keeps the person hooked in at a forced angle.  This allows the diver to save air, keep from fighting the current, and the entire ocean becomes a giant aquarium to swim around the person hooked into the reef. If you click on the link you'll see a pic of a diver reef hooking.  

It was a unique and fun way to see the ocean come to life.  Try it!
(Lunch with the water bottles the dive company gave us)
Dive Three: Chuyo Maru Wreck

Max Depth: 100 feet

What did we see: The inside of a Japanese boat from during WWII.  So we have seen a few wrecks but we have never investigated their inner secrets.  It can be quite dangerous.  This particular wreck is safer than most and our guide took us into two different sections of it.  Rusty, dark, somewhat scary, but totally spectacular.  Really fun.

No pictures but you can close your eyes and picture it. 

We got to see a frog fish which blended in almost entirely with the algae growing on the ship.  I found a pic online of one that looks almost like the one we saw - just click on the last link.  Then as we surfaced we spotted a tiny little squid just chilling near our boat.  Sweet. 
("They come in pints?!")

OK so the dive shop sells Red Rooster beer that is made in Palau.  Of course I had to try it out and see if it was any good.  Not bad.  Then off to the hotel, dinner in Palau, and sleep!  We were wore out from diving!!  Post on the second day of diving but more importantly pictures coming soon. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Guam: Marbo Cave and Cliffs and Tarague Point

(Marbo Cave.  Our second caving experience in Guam and the second one that has a nice pool to swim in)

****If you have already read this or have not, I've had to make some corrections for having spelled Andersen Air Force base incorrectly a few times in the original post.  It has now been changed to the correct spelling*****

In our last post I mentioned a hike we had done and eluded to it perhaps not running quite as smoothly as it could have gone.  

Well it all started splendidly.  We were supposed to go hiking with a couple from Sarah's work but they had to back out due to prior obligations.  Upon a few searches online we decided on Marbo Cave and Cliffs for a hike.  There was plenty of information online about how to get there and what to do once there.  

One thing we have learned quickly from others is that the trails here are not marked super well and people getting lost and needing rescued is pretty common.  So information with pictures is helpful!
(When we got to the cave there was a decent group of folks already swimming in the crystal clear waters.  We checked it out and decided to head on down towards the beach and then come back)

It is a pretty happening cave and the main plus side for visitors is a road that is built within maybe 400 yards of the entrance.  Really not bad at all.  Then there are some steps and the structure seen in the picture that have been made for the cave to be more enjoyable.  

With all the activity and swimmers who were in there when we arrived we decided to head on down to the cliffs and the ocean before coming back to enjoy more of the cave.  After an easy walk we arrived upon this view below.
(There were some local fisherman trying their luck.  Seriously must be nice to fish at a gem like this on a daily basis)


I think I'm over using the flowery language but when one walks upon a scene like this what other words should be used?  We walked up and down the cliffs for a little bit and then decided of course that we needed to be closer to the water.  

After a short time we found a nice place where we could climb down to investigate.
(Sarah loved the way the waves would fill these little pools and create tiny waterfalls)

As seen in the picture above, the little pools formed by the waves make for a fun and seemingly private paradise to walk through while crabs and little tadpole looking fish clamor to get out of the way.  

We saw a few of these pools that get deep enough and are far enough from the crashing waves we could have just sat down and enjoyed a little salt whirlpool of sorts.  In hindsight we should have done just that.
(Wow. The waves would just lick at the rocks and the water still looks so pristine)

We did not sit in a little pool because we could see this "path" going around the distance rock corner. 

Keep that distant corner in your mind for reference and maybe be ready to scroll back to this pic.  

It really is quite enjoyable to walk along these pools and breathe in the fresh air.
(But before we head around that distant rock corner we had to stop for a picture.  We get a lot of nature and not enough of ourselves with the nature)

Well as we made our way for that distant corner, the pathway between the rocks and the ocean narrowed quite a bit, as you can see in the picture if you look back to it.  As we neared the corner, it seemed to call to both of us beckoning in a sweet voice, "Hey what's on the other side?"  

But the waves were coming up a little higher in this spot I commented to Sarah the sort of thing I say when we are out and about by ourselves, something like, "Honey you sure you want to do this part, it's looking a little crazy.  Those waves could get us at any moment."  

I always say things like this in the most manly voice as possible, knowing ahead of time there is not much Sarah backs down from and I do not want to seem the wimpy husband boy man.  

To be fair in these moments I tend to be over cautious and Sarah over adventurous.  Pushing past them has often led to greater experiences, though not always without Sarah giving me the sidelong look to imply, "You're silly husband."  

And everything was fine until one, what I am referring to as a rogue wave, wave decided to not break at our feet but a good foot above our heads!  It happened suddenly and without warning.

What a jerk wave!  It could have shouted, "Watch out you newbs!"  It was so fast and out of no where that neither of us had any clue it was coming until the wave was inches from our faces.  I turned to the extra sharp rock wall on my right and had only enough time to get to hand holds.  






As the water tried to rip me out to sea I barely hold on and finally had time to think, "Oh crap, where's Sarah?"  

When my feet hit the ground again I turned to see her on the ground, at the edge of having been washed out with a wild look in her eyes, but clinging to the moss in the little pool we had been walking in moments before.  

Thank God!  Just before grabbing her and getting the mess out of there I looked at my hands because they were stinging quite uncontrollably.  Great. 

We then got back to safety before another wave decided to teach me another hard earned lesson.
(I should  have made Sarah do a close up as this just does not do it justice.  And it doesn't
show the chest and leg wound where the wave apparently picked me up, turned me side
ways and slammed me into the rocks before trying to take me out to sea.  No wonder
the hands took a beating as they twisted and turned on the rocks)

What can you do but laugh? 

We had been idiots and it could have cost us dearly.  While Sarah was almost washed out to sea, which could prove to be the way more dangerous of our two situations, she suffered much less from the deep cuts caused by the wave trying to rip me off of a super sharp rock face. 

At this point we passed up our opportunity to swim in the cave and we headed off to get bandaged up. We will go back!  But we will not repeat the same mistake and we will be more mindful of the rising tide.  Good-ness! (said in my best duck dynasty voice)
(Go Arlington!  Who wants to come run with the palm trees?)

I've been trying to get a few runs in while in Guam.  The goal seems to be to run at 4am or after sundown.  I rarely achieve either.  

Mostly I wanted to post these pics because I want the Arlington cross-country team to know I miss hanging out with them and making them run "fun" workouts.  I'll miss being around to watch the meets this Fall!
(One more to get a little bit of Guam in the shot)

Well, my hands are mostly healed now and I'm ready to be back on the rocks!  Just kidding.  

This past Saturday night we had the chance to go hangout with the two youngest Johnsons for the night so the adult Johnsons could attend a function - babysitting!!  And yes while little Wesley was a bit of a crazy man it's still fun to be around those two.  

The next morning we all got up, ate some breakfast, and headed out to see some of the landscape surrounding Andersen Air Force base where the Johnsons are stationed.  
(Heading down to check out a sweet overlook)

It was fun hiking with the kids.  Wesley especially will stop to look at every single thing he sees.

Bugs, rocks (to throw, flip, examine, carry), sticks, "tunnels" that lead off into the bushes (which looked more than terrifying but he kept asking to go down the tunnels).  

I think he might be worse than Sarah when it comes to pursuing dangerous leads and wanting to hike/crawl/run/jump off into the unknown.  
(The timer feature for the group pic)

Ok Wes you were right.  Not a bad overlook after all.  
(Just a little farther back and the shot will be perfect. Take one more big step backwards please!)

I climbed up to see this view just to the right of where our group shot was and thought the same thing you are right now.  

We have to go to there!  

I intend on going back with Wes n company to investigate what looked like a trail to me heading over and into the wild.
(Might need my machete for this hike)
(One more overlook before heading down to the beach to swim but this one is only about a twenty yard walk)

Tarague Point!  You're so good looking Tarague Point!  No Seinfeld fans, Tarague Point had not just sneezed, but I was overcome with having to proclaim its beauty.
(Wes took this shot and I'm glad he did.  That's pretty awesome)

Warning! Awesome beach and swimming pics below!  Keep going to see some more.
(Underwater photographer Sarah Baddorf at work)
(Just stick your hand in there.  It's safe.  I promise)

The beach was fun too!  We did some snorkeling, resting, crab looking, splashing, and more. If you're ever on Andersen Air Force Base check out this beach out!
(I am calling this one: PINK SHARK)
(Look at these goofballs!  Seriously good pic though)
(Till next time Guam)

So many more hikes to do.  

I promise, to the moms out there, we will be more careful.  

But I also promise to the Sarahs out there, we will be more adventurous.  

It is the dichotomy I am learning to live within being married to wonder such as my wife.  I fully expect one of you to write the post for us when our adventure does turn too far sideways.  Surely it will make for a good story right?  In the meantime, we plan on living for many more adventures. 

There are too many sites to be seen and things to do to be too silly this early in the great game. We shall take enough to care to probably live long enough to see more of it!