Most of this post was sent to Memphis Runners Track Club for their monthly newsletter. The beginning is an addition:
At any rate, to encourage exercise while we are here during the winter at the South Pole, there is a "Back to McMurdo" challenge. A person keeps track of the mileage they have done on the treadmill/outside/on the rowing machine/on the bike/etc. There is a conversion chart for those who are not running or walking, so one can easily determine how many miles to add to the chart. The chart is a long banner hung in the workout room where anyone participating writes their name and their miles marked next to their name.
This brings me to the horrible decision I made. In mid-August I made it to McMurdo. I felt a little bit of satisfaction and then I thought, the guys who did this originally came from McMurdo to the South Pole and then turned around to go back. Crap. I already knew what I was going to do and I was not happy about it. Did I have enough time to make it back to the South Pole, thus completing the entire journey? Only one way to find out.
My secondary goal to this whole fiasco was to finish in time to get back to my normal routine before leaving the South Pole. It was a journey of almost 1700 miles. There were a lot of workouts when I definitely considered how entirely stupid the quest truly was.
I guess at the end of the day the only rational thought I had was that if I needed to actually attempt to make my way back to McMurdo on foot I would be ready. This is unlikely as the planes are pretty good at getting here but you never know.
(Below is what I shared with Memphis Runners - I believe they shared it in their August newsletter. This was mostly about my attempt to run a marathon on the treadmill)
The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station sits upon two miles of glacial ice at the bottom of the world. It is one of the most remote places on this planet, over 800 miles from the next closest station.
So I find myself living on a glacier and spending the entire
ten-month Austral winter at the South Pole.
Traveling and running is always difficult. Routine is broken. New
places, while intriguing, sometimes offer odd dangers – getting lost, running
into the wrong neighborhood, not knowing local laws. I’ve certainly found
myself attempting to figure out the whole running deal while traveling for the
past few years, and yet Antarctica has
offered some fresh challenges for me.
The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station sits upon two miles of glacial ice at the bottom of the world. It is one of the most remote places on this planet, over 800 miles from the next closest station.
A group of people gather in this unusual location to help
support science being done by the United States Antarctic Program. The United
States has had a presence at the South Pole since 1956. More than a few support staff are needed for
the scientists to complete their work and a small community forms. During the
summer the population can soar to over 150 people, a teeming metropolis
compared to the less than fifty who hunker down the long winter months.
It is odd being one of forty-six people at the South Pole.
Antarctica is not necessarily a place I saw myself ever visiting. Before we got
married Sarah had at one point mentioned she wanted to go to Antarctica one
day, but that is the sort of thing people say. Little did I know my wife is not
most people.
In route to the Pole I was waylaid for three weeks at
McMurdo, a station on the coast that all planes fly through on their way to
ninety degrees South. At this point it was the end of summer and the weather
was really not too bad. I was able to get in a number of runs outside, enjoying
some of the last sunshine I would run in for quite some time. I ran around
Observation Hill and trails that lead past Robert Falcon Scott’s hut from when
he and his team sought to earn the prize of the South Pole. It was not until I left McMurdo and headed to
the Pole that I encountered the most obvious and main two obstacles I would
experience while in Antarctica - the extreme cold and being at altitude.
The South Pole sits at 9,306 feet. The real issue is barometric
pressure changes on a daily basis. Today we feel as though we are at 10,817
feet, though for the past two months we have spent most days over 11,000 feet.
When combined with the dry air we breathe in here, Antarctica is technically a
desert, the acclimation time for running took me quite some time.
Then there is the cold. I grew up in Ohio before moving to
Memphis my senior year of high school. I have run in cold temperatures while
training for track during the winter months.
Though this part of me became quite accustomed to Memphis winters, I had
experienced bone chilling temperatures. Well, I thought I had. Arriving at the
South Pole was a little bit of a rude awakening. I managed to get two runs in
before the sun disappeared. Both were short and terrible. There is an almost
constant wind ripping across the Antarctic plateau that our station sits on,
and it is not forgiving. Negative fifty degrees with a strong wind is not
pleasant. It was fine running with the wind but at some point one has to turn
around. I have never felt wind cut through multiple layers of clothing (more
than I had ever worn to run in my life) so easily. I froze.
With the sun promising to disappear for four to five months
and temperatures dropping I had only one valid option before me. It is an
option I have avoided at all costs in the past. The treadmill.
The treadmill has always been a tool I have loathed. Boring. Mundane.
Unchanging. Pick the negative word and I have most likely associated it with
the treadmill at some point in time. Yet there was this damned machine and it
was my only option if I wanted to run. So a few months ago I hopped on the
treadmill and began a strange journey.
There were some immediate problems that arose. I had
eliminated the problem of the extremely cold temperatures, but the altitude and
dry climate still persisted in offering their resistance. The treadmill itself
was everything I had expected of it. I made the decision early on to watch
television shows or movies while running to keep my mind distracted, and maybe
to keep my sanity intact. While keeping my mind occupied was not a replacement
for running the trails at Shelby Farms, it did help stave off the sheer boredom
of running in place for thirty minutes to an hour. The one aspect of treadmill
running that has bothered me the most has been my inability to run the paces,
according to the machine, I am accustomed to running. Until only recently, I
have been at least one minute slower per mile and there is not much I have been
able to do except for attempt to push a little harder to lower pace. Is it the
altitude? The dry air? My hate for treadmills? A combination of everything? Or
just some mental block to running on a machine?
It has been months since my decision to take advantage of
the treadmill. I have been slowly making my way through our extensive
television series library. And, contrary to my expectations, I am beginning to
like the treadmill. It could be like learning to enjoy the company of an
unwelcome running partner simply because he is your only current option. But after he keeps showing up, run after run,
as a faithful running buddy, a person can learn to like him. Running itself has
always been this way with me. I ran hundreds of miles before I learned to love
running. Even then the relationship was dicey at best, though usually running has
been a joy. Learning to be content with my current running circumstances has
not been easy, but the treadmill is becoming a close friend. The development of
my new affinity for the treadmill, though welcome and surprising, has also
opened the door to me making an absurd decision.
I am going to run a marathon on the treadmill.
(Planes started arriving at the Pole! Just going through but soon they will be taking some of us with them. Yay) |
Here is the issue. As any serious runner travels, she looks
to the opportunities afforded to her in the running world. I have done the same
with my time here in Antarctica. There are a few different chances to run a
marathon on continent. Unfortunately none of them overlap the time during which
I will be here. This was sad news to process. How perfect would it be to get in
a marathon while on the continent? How many people have run one on all seven
continents? With two continents under my belt it was sour grapes to see this
opportunity slipping through my fingers. But did it have to be this way? I
stared at the treadmill and considered. Could I even bring myself to make such
a decision? The answer is apparently yes!
As many of you might be thinking already, there are concerns
with this marathon attempt. Does it really count if it is on a treadmill and
not out in the elements? Surely anyone could run a marathon in a hotel in China
and count the entire continent of Asia. I have my concerns on this issue, and
yet should I allow these concerns to keep me from achieving what I might never
have another chance to do in my lifetime? I made the decision to go ahead and
begin my training, which meant also pushing all doubts and naysayers to the
side – including myself. It is what it is and there is nothing to be done about
So here I stand, with a goal I would deem absurd if anyone
else mentioned it to me. This week I completed my longest run on a treadmill to
date. Twenty miles came and went, along with multiple episodes of The Wire. Thanks to a homemade running
gel (made of honey, water, salt, and molasses – I cannot just head down to the
local running store) and being way more conscious about taking in plenty of
water I felt much better than I thought I would. Previously anything above
twelve miles has been quite a struggle. I have been mentally working past some
of my previous issues with the pace on the treadmill, though I am still not
working out at paces I am used to running the full marathon distance at in the
In two weeks I will be attempting to run the full marathon. I
am still debating on my pace goals. At this point I am fairly confident I will
be able to finish this distance. My body has been responding decently to the
twenty miler this week and I’m getting excited about seeing what will happen
when I try to tack on another six miles. I never could have imagined running
any of the distances I have completed on the treadmill, let alone a full
marathon. I would say it is ridiculous but at this point it is just beginning
to feel normal to me. It is as though the part of my brain that hated
treadmills has been slightly worn away, as if a grinder has been slowly wearing
it down.
Running in Antarctica has been a challenge. I never would
have thought the treadmill would be a friend in a time of need. I do look
forward to the return of the sun and weather that will not sear my lungs,
leaving me with a bloody cough for weeks.
Even more so, I cannot wait until I fly through New Zealand and have the
chance to go for a run in a much more accommodating climate. And yet I have
this peculiar feeling that when I leave I might just miss my new
companion. I will always be grateful to
the machine I once despised, but between the two I will always choose a nice
trail outside. Perhaps the South Pole can be my exception.
For now the treadmill is a glorious machine enabling me to
run, even while wintering-over in a place where the normal ambient temperature
outside is around negative eighty degrees Fahrenheit – this does not include
wind chill. The treadmill is my safe haven. Like many other tools in running
the treadmill, however reluctantly I say even now, does have its place. Ok
treadmill, let’s do this.